Swift Foundation 2024 Update
1 min read
The Swift-Foundation workgroup posted an update for 2024:
- Swift-Foundation is included with Swift 6.0: a fast, Swift-native Foundation for all users on Linux, Windows, and other platforms.
- contributing to Swift-Foundation is easier. It is now possible to build
without building the entire Swift toolchain, thanks to SwiftPM support.
They also announced the forward direction:
More Swift initiative
...continue the trend of moving Foundation's implementation away from C-based languages and toward Swift. As part of this move, we'll be focusing Swift-Foundation on offering the core functionalities of Foundation.framework.
Performance initiative
We will be developing additional benchmarks for Foundation, with a focus on real-world use cases to ensure performance continues to improve over time
Papercuts initiative
Finally, we want to encourage more community participation in Swift-Foundation through a focus on removing as many "papercuts" as possible.
Papercuts are small annoyances that detract from the overall experience and deter contributors, especially newcomers to Swift. With a significant portion of Foundation now implemented in Swift, shared across platforms and available as open source, we see a clear opportunity for the community to contribute.
I plan to keep an eye on this, and possibly contribute.