Foundational Skills
1 min read
Kevin Li wrote a post on Learning to Learn:
When you’re starting something new, the most important thing is knowing what to learn.
Followed by unpacking an optimal learning flow:
- Very quickly identify what the foundational knowledge is.
- Build a personal curriculum to become an expert and avoid the trap of the expert beginner.
- Sprint hard the first 15-20 hours to impress initial memory, then decelerate to a more regular pace.
Related Hacker News discussion.
Thorsten Ball wrote about The Basics
Some great points here, but I think perhaps one of the most important points is sort of glossed over in a humble way:
I constantly have to remind myself of them, sitting on my own shoulder and wagging a finger in my face.
Staying sharp with the fundamentals is critical - especially as you get more experienced (and possibly jaded).